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Housing Choice Voucher (HCV/Section 8)

The Housing Choice Voucher Program assists very low-income families in leasing privately owned, decent, safe, and sanitary rental housing.

Nature of the Program: HUD enters into contracts with PHA's that administer the program. The PHA issues eligible very low-income families rental vouchers, and the families are free to locate suitable rental units that meet their needs. The PHA makes assistance payments to the private owners who lease their rental units to assisted families.  The assistance payment makes up the difference between what a very low-income family can afford. The amount a family can afford is the highest of 30% of adjusted income or 10% of gross income. A rental voucher holder may choose housing that rents more or less than the payment from adjusted income for rent. Rental units leased under this program must meet HUD housing quality standards.

Currently, our Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is closed to new applicants. However, if you are a current voucher holder and searching for available housing in the area, please visit